Wanna write for us? We are now on the lookout for new authors on our online properties and welcome guest writers to share their expertise with our readers.
Guest Posting Guidelines
- 100% original content only
- Explain your points / ideas thoroughly
- Article length ~1,500 words
- Give practical and actionable tips
- Add useful images to describe the points you mention
- Backup up your points with research and real-life data
- Link to supporting resources and other helpful guides online
- Make sure there are no spelling or grammar mistakes
- Format your article so it’s easy to read – use <h2>, <h3>, <strong>, bullet lists, etc
- Write purely for search engine
- Include affiliate link in your article
- Add links to low-quality content (we will remove it)
- Include stock photos that add no value to your writings
- Over promote yourself or your website or your products
- Include keyword-focused links in your bio (only brand names allowed)
Topics to Write
Our primary target audience are marketers and small business owners.
Below are the topics we are looking for:
For WebRevenue
- Social media marketing
- Email marketing
- Search engine optimization
- Web design & development
- Startups stories & interviews
For Hide & Seek
- Cybersecurity
- Digital lifestyle
- Online privacy
- Tools and mobile apps roundup